
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Red Bull Training Grounds

For all of you that are not familiar with, the Red Bull Training Grounds well it is a Starcraft 2 tournament.
8 players from around the world compete for three days. This year this activity was held at Full Sail University, where any one and everyone could attend. The players are divided into two different groups. They compete with their group and the winner in each group competes at the finals to see who is the ultimate winner. The rounds played consisted of winning 2 out of 3 rounds.

It was very nice to be able to see this activity live. I always watched the live stream from my house. It was great to go see the players in action, get autograph from the players and even take pictures with the players and casters like Day [9] and Dj Wheat. On Friday the players played with each other according to their group, but it wasn't till Saturday that they started to eliminate players from each group the first ones to be eliminated were Select, State, Nestea, and Illusion. 

On Sunday started the semifinals in this rounds players had to win best out of five. It started with group A that consisted of Team Liquid TLO against Huk, TLO came out strong but Huk eventual took him down and won this semifinals. Then played group B that consisted of Succeed against Team Liquid Snute, and Snute won all the first rounds. Finally in the final rounds it was Huk against Snute and this round consisted of 7 rounds and it was all very close but in the last round Snute took the grand prize home for Team Liquid. 

I enjoyed this event and I hope that Full Sail keeps bringing these events to the University for students to enjoy. The event had cash prizes that consisted of $100 per game won, $1000 for won semifinals and the Grand prize was $3000.  There were also food trucks outside where you could try different types of food everyday. If you went to this event I would like to hear your thoughts about this event in the comment section below. 


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