
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Success ≠ Magic

There is one quote that the Rob Fahey mentions in an article that I believe every company should really see and understand. He says, “Every customer is valuable, and often those voices which say nothing at all are the most important ones to listen to". 

By this what blizzard has done is provide all their fans and gamers with their own voice and giving them the freedom to speak and state their opinion over their experience with then game. What this article states is that with every game they bring out to the market is specifically based on what the “people” want. But that sometimes can come and bite you back in the butt, because sometimes what everybody wants doesn’t really work. Lets take World of War Craft for example when they first came out with the first two expansions everyone loved it. The third and Fourth expansion took the game from really really awesome to something that they really didn’t enjoy.

Now last month WOW took out a new and improved expansion called mist of pandaria and it has turned out to be a smash hit. Fans say that it’s very much like the first two expansions and for this one they really stepped it up and gave them exactly what the game needed to maintain its fans. Now this success wasn’t built on magic or luck, it was built on hard work from their game developers, hours and hours of trying to come up with something that would please those who had left the games. 

The author mentions that "Blizzard... sees its successful game as a moving target, and uses data to allow it to make bigger gambles and more drastic changes." We have to understand that in entertainment business competition is extremely hard and what one sees as hard work and sweat the other with belittle and see as luck or “magic”. What we as fans should really pay attention to is that our opinions are always being heard no matter how bad or good and its really nice to know that our ideas could be what might lead them to an extremely successful career. 


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