
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Microsoft changing features to the Xbox One.

Well I can bet that all of you have already heard the news that Microsoft announced several changes to the Xbox One. 
In my opinion, I am a little bite bummed out at the changes they decided to do to the Xbox One. The features I really wanted are the ones they have decided to take off since the majority of the fans gave bad reviews about the product. I was really looking forward to using the features like being able to share my games with up to 10 family members or friends. This gave them the opportunity to access my games and play under their own accounts. Every achievement that they unlocked was theirs, and would appear on their account. 

Along with this feature they also took out the ability to use their huge new cloud service, this gave every player the ability to upload they games on to the cloud and access them from any Xbox One in any place. Now if the player wants to play they would have to carry the games with them everywhere they went. It was a console built for the future, bringing the accessibility and structure of a PC to a console. It was looking at the fact that online distribution is something that is taking over in almost every industry and they wanted to be the first to be prepared. I know that the cost and the fact that players would have to pay for used games in order to play with them was just to much for the fans to handle and accept. 

Stating that it brings me to my final feature that I really thought was fair for all of the developers out there. This was the not being able to play used games on the Xbox One with out paying a fee to play. I supported this 100% because its not very fair when the developer doesn't even see a dime for sold used games in the industry. Which means that stores like GameStop would make 100% of the profit from a used game. Here is a question for you guys, what do you think about developers not seeing a dime off selling used games? Do you find it fair that retailers keep all the profit off these games? For me it was a real let down that a company like Microsoft would change their awesome idea for what the majority of fans wanted. But business will be business and no company ever wants to lose $$$


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