
Monday, June 10, 2013

Xbox on E3 2013

Starting the show they showed a glimpse of what the Xbox 360 would look like. 

They have upgraded the Xbox360 to look and feel like the Xbox One. The Xbox 360 will look and feel better, smoother and even more quieter. Titles that will be coming soon to the Xbox 360 are World of tanks, Max The Curse of the Brotherhood and finally Dark Souls 2. 

Microsoft main focus for Xbox will be the game and its experience on the Xbox One. The first game they showed was Ryse Son of Rome and the game has really sick details and graphics. The game makes you feel like if you we're actually part of the game. They have brought back Killer Instinct by popular demand from the fans. The next game they presented was Sunset Overdrive its a open world shooting game with a fun twist. The Forza Motorsport 5 mentioned that their main focus was to bring the smallest details to life and bring the gaming experience to life. By using the cloud feature on the Xbox One the gaming experience on Forza can really mold to you and how you play the game, either in  career mode or free play. The racing experience is not with AI but from the people playing the game and there different modes of gaming. 

Microsoft has announced that they will still be offering independent developers the opportunity to create their own games. They state that the Xbox One features will help independent developers, create the best gaming experience available to date. The only let down was that they did not actually demonstrate how the Xbox One features will actually help independent developers. They only mentioned that for so long they have be helping independent developers and with the Xbox One they will be helping more independent developers, and that they will be looking for new exciting games. I guess it will be under their own publishing and development system and not under an independent publishing and distribution. 

Microsoft demonstrated their new featured called Project Spark where it brings the ability to create your own video game in the hands of everyone. You can build how the game looks from details like woods, mountains and rivers. You can build the actual game experience it self create characters from good guys, pets and villains. You have the ability to create, build and play from your Microsoft tablet. You can play with multiple players and each of you create a different feature and detail to the video game. 

Microsoft has partnered up with twitch bringing you the ability to instantly broadcast your video game experience with your friends and followers. They also have the Upload Studio feature where you can take your games and cut and edit them and share with you Xbox Live friends. They have demonstrated a number of different video games that you play on your Xbox One but with Xbox Smartglass you could add features to your game through your smartphone or tablet. The biggest one for me was one they showed Halo 5. Overall Microsoft gave the fans what they wanted a lot of games and not a lot of bla, bla, bla. Me personally I would have liked to see more when they spoke about the independent developers but I guess there is not a lot to say. Since what they had to see about that topic they had already said it. 

What are your thoughts and ideas about Xbox 360, Xbox One, and all the video games they have shown for both consoles? What do you think about the price? Will you be one of the first to buy the console in November? Comment below.  


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