
Monday, June 10, 2013

PlayStation on E3 2013

The minute we all have been waiting for, literally, the reveal of the actual PlayStation 4 hardware is finally here.
To build up the tension more Sony ran about 30 minutes late. Coming into the Sony press conference I really just want to know how the actual hardware looks like, how it's different from the Xbox One, how much will it cost, will it be as expensive as the Xbox One, will they have more then just one price point? I'm hoping all of my questions will be answered tonight. 

Ok so to add more suspense they decided to discuss what will be different to the PlayStation 3 and the PS Vita. Good news for independent developers is the PS Vita bringing the ability to create their own video games. They announced that for 2013 there will be a total of 85 new video games for PS Vita. They will be bringing The Walking Dead video games to Vita, coming out with a bundle that will have the complete first season and more Walking Dead Features. I really don't get the difference between The Walking Dead and The new zombie video game The Last of Us, but it looks pretty sweet! 

I guess PlayStation 3 won't have complete update to look like the PlayStation 4 like Xbox did with the Xbox 360 or maybe it's just since we haven't seen it yet they don't want to show us, I guess we have to keep watching to see. The moment of truth has arrived and I have to be honest I'm a little disappoint maybe if they had shown it in February I would have been disappointed of Microsoft. Why you might ask because they BOTH look the same. A rectangular box half gloss and half matte black! Unfortunately it doesn't really stand out maybe when they mention the price it will be different but for now I can only say it looks like both Microsoft and Sony really lacked originality and ability to think outside the box, literally.

Is it me or is everyone that gets up on stage can't finish a single thought. They just leave everything half way, they showed Grand Theft Auto 5 and Grand Turismo 6, 2 games fans have been waiting to see and they didn't even example the details and why they are better then the competitors. Today only E3 have shown 4 different car games, Need for Speed, Forza 5, The Crew and finally Grand Turismo 6 and each company explained why their game was worth buying and playing and Sony just didn't do that. In my opinion the game really doesn't look that Amazing, after seeing all the other games paying so much attention to small details, it's very disappointing that Sony didn't pay that much attention to small details. 

What you as the fans would have liked to see? What do you think about the PlayStation 4? Did it meet your expectations or just crush your hopes for something fresh and new? For me it's just very hard to even sit and watch the game trailers because they lack the resolution that Xbox One offers. Microsoft did a wonderful job showing the fans how with Xbox One you will get a cleaner more smoother look to each and every game, but Sony just doesn't meet up. The Xbox One is a console that brings you the clarity and resolution you will only get on a PC. They have completely changed how you play, feel and view the game. One of the host of the E3 mentioned that Xbox One is just like playing on a PC it was made to hold everything the future has in store, and I completely agree. 

Sony really got me when they stated they will be helping independent developers self publish their own video games. They will be creating an unbelievable independent forum where independent developer can publish their games for every PlayStation user can play. They took time to show some of the independent games already available on the PlayStation. The definitely had the best coverage when it came to independent developers. They definitely kicked Microsoft in the butt, by offering independent developers the ability to self publish their own creation. 

I know it's not Sony's fault but the website won't work and when it did they were showing The new Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag, umm I don't know if they knew this but Ubisoft had already shown the game. Oh wait there is more now they are going to show Watch Dogs another game Ubisoft had already shown that game, thank god it was actual gameplay. Details on the game look really good, I guess one game is worth buying for the PlayStation 4. I really feel like Sony should have had their press conference before EA and Ubisoft, everything they have shown we have already seen. At least they are showing either game play or specific detail EA and Ubisoft had not shown. 

They mentioned that they have a total of 104 video games just for PlayStation alone, 100 of which will come out in the first year and 40 are exclusive on PlayStation only. PlayStation will support any used video game, without having to check in online. PlayStation Network will offer you the ability to share or stream your games online, the ability to play while downloading the content, you can play all games from PlayStation 3 and vita through the Ps Plus program for a small monthly charge, and access your friends game no matter where you are. Know one huge down side is that in order to play multiplayer you need to pay for the PS Plus if not you can not play, that really sucks.The PlayStation definitely offer features that Xbox might not offer, but is it really worth it? PlayStation 4 will be available later this year for a price of $399, 100 less then the Xbox One, I guess it's now up to the gamers to see which one is really worth it. Personally I feel like even though it does cost $100 more then the PS4 the Xbox One just seems like the console to go with, it is a console that I feel brings the future to you today without you having to worry about changing consoles in the future. 


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