
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Xbox "One" not Independent Developer friendly?

I think everyone has heard and seen by now the new Xbox “one”.

      The reviews from Xbox owners have been really up and down at this point. Independent developers are the ones who are worrying the most, due to the fact that the new Xbox “One” might not allow self-publishing any more. With this new system all independent developers will have to land a publishing deal with Microsoft itself and publish under Microsoft standards. No more outsourcing publishers for help in developing and publishing your video games.
          As a response to all of the concerns from the independent developers, Microsoft general manager of Redmond Games mentioned, “We intend to continue to court developers in the ways that we have. I would also expect that for this new generation that we're going to continue to explore new business models and new ways of surfacing content. But Microsoft Studios is a publisher that works with a wide range of partners, as do a lot of other people, to bring digital content to the box” (2013, para. 5)*.
         In an article on, it shows the remarks of 7 independent developers that are truly disappointed with the Xbox “one”. They state that like with the PlayStation Network and Nintendo they were hoping for a more friendly welcome to indie developers. Andy Schatz the owner of pocket watch games mentions “no attention paid to the structure or openness of the marketplace, it does seem like they are trying to compete on the same axes as Apple and Google rather than Steam.” (2013, para. 3)**. For all of you the don’t know what Steam is, its an online server that provides independent developers to self-publish their own video games.  
        In my opinion I feel like it’s going backwards for Microsoft really. Online distribution is the new it “thing” and Xbox not providing independent developers with a more flexible option when it comes to self-publish or outsourcing different publishers is very harsh in my opinion. Its like they don’t want any well else taking away from their fame and money. I would love to hear your opinion on the matter.  
How do you feel about Xbox not letting indie developers self-publish their own work? Comment Below
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