
Friday, April 26, 2013

Disney decided to license LucasArts games to third party companies.

I read an article (click here for article) a couple of days ago and I found it really interesting but sad at the same time.

         Disney has decided that it was best for them to license all the video games from LucasArts out to third party companies. In a previous article (click here for article) they had rumored this and developers denied all of it, but now Disney has stated that in October when they acquired LucasArts they had planned to solely focus on social and mobile games for in-house development and license all of the console games.
       I truly feel bad for the dozens of developers that are going to be layoff due to this decision. Representatives did mention that they will be staying with a small group of developers to handle all of the licensing duties, and some of the developer’s layoff will be moved to work on other aspects and games in Disney Interactive. They have made this decision was made by the fact that previously to them acquiring LucasArts they had licensed all of their previous games like Star Wars: The One Republic for pc, the Kinect Star Wars console and game, and all of the Lego video games for star wars and Indiana jones. They had decided it was best for them, since their main focus would be to develop the films first. 


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